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Hooray! It's time to sign up for a membership!
Thank you for choosing to become a member at Latitude 44 Yoga Studio.
We are oh-so honored you're joining us as a member & excited to flow + plié + move with you!
Membership Change Options:
Membership Agreement + Auto-Renewal
Indicates required field
Phone Number
Were you referred by a friend/family/staff member? If so, who referred you?
I want to
Sign-up as a NEW member
CHANGE my membership type or credit card (I am currently a Member) - 30 day notice required
Preferred Membership Start/Change Date (MM/DD/20YY or "ASAP")
Membership Selection
Unlimited Membership ($99/month)
8x/Month Membership ($70/month)
Partner Membership Unlimited ($159/month) - same household requirement
5x/Month Membership ($55/month)
Online LIVE + On-Demand ($55/month)
SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS? Promotions, discounts
, etc.
Please note if you are CHANGING your membership, any PREVIOUSLY applied promotions and discounts do NOT carry over.
Special Considerations or Promotion Code
Paying via...
Credit Card or Debit Card (+5% Credit Card Surcharge)
Card Type
Credit card OR debit card #'s - REQUIRED to be processed
Expiration Month
Expiration Year
CVV (3 digits on back)
Zip Code
I understand that my membership AUTO-RENEWS.
Yes, I understand.
By enrolling for a monthly membership, I am committing to a minimum of TWO MONTHS of payments. The earliest I can cancel this membership is after TWO PAYMENTS.
Yes, I understand.
I understand I must provide a 30 day notice to CANCEL via the online cancellation form latitude44yoga.com/CANCEL. My membership will auto-renew until cancelled. Membership dues are not pro-rated.
Yes, I understand.
I understand that if I am on a 5x or 8x Membership, my unused classes do not roll over from month to month.
Yes, I understand.
Not applicable (I selected an unlimited membership).
I authorize Latitude 44 Yoga Studio, LLC to transfer funds from my bank and credit account to cover monthly expenses related to my membership dues as well as make any adjustments for any debit entry errors to my account. If funds are not available in my bank account, I authorize Latitude 44 Yoga Studio to utilize my credit card that is on file to cover these expenses. Latitude 44 Yoga Studio reserves the right to charge $15 per incident for any EFT reclear fee, unpaid EFT draft, declined credit or debit card, unpaid credit card chargeback, or late payment. [Electronic Signature]
Other membership forms
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Yoga Study: Energetics
Yoga Study: Pranayama
Yoga Study: Asana / Postures
Yoga Study: Philosophy
Yoga Study: Anatomy
Yoga Study: Ayurveda
Yoga Study: Teaching Methodology
Members Hub
Hub + On-Demand Classes
Advanced Studies Portal