Yoga PhilosophyWhat are the 8 limbs of yoga and how do they relate to modern times? Take a stroll down a path of expansion as we dive into mindset, relationships with ourselves and others, self-observation, philosophy around mindfulness and how we are the placebo in the creation of our reality. Your physical practice directly translates into these other tenets of ascension, is served by them, and is serving to them.
Dharma Study | 8 Limbs of Yoga | Types of Yoga | Yamas & Niyamas
Yamas & Niyamas
The Yamas and Niyamas serve as the first and second limbs of yoga, respectively. The Yamas are our restraints which highlight means in which to live more peacefully in our external stimuli and relationships. The Niyamas are our observances of self in our internal journey of self-discovery and self-actualization. The Yamas & Niyamas serve as tenets for living a peaceful and joyful life.
Recommended Read: The Yamas & Niyamas, Exploring Yoga's Ethical Practice (Author: Deborah Adele)
Recommended Read: The Yamas & Niyamas, Exploring Yoga's Ethical Practice (Author: Deborah Adele)
YAMAS (Restraints) – 1st Limb of Yoga
Social disciplines, our interaction with the world. Yamas pull us back from needing so much that is external, and point us towards the unique expression of our own life.
Non-violence (Ahimsa)
Truthfulness (Satya)
Non-stealing (Asteya)
Non-excess (Brahmacharya)
Non-Possessiveness / Non-Attachment (Aparigraha)
Social disciplines, our interaction with the world. Yamas pull us back from needing so much that is external, and point us towards the unique expression of our own life.
Non-violence (Ahimsa)
- Harming self and others vs. showing compassion and kindness to self and others. This is the foundation of our practice... the first limb and the first restraint.
Truthfulness (Satya)
- Telling whole truths, expressing uniqueness and authenticity with a healthy throat chakra (note Ahimsa, non-violence)
Non-stealing (Asteya)
- Living with integrity and reciprocity
Non-excess (Brahmacharya)
- Greed and excess vs appreciation and moderation
Non-Possessiveness / Non-Attachment (Aparigraha)
- Turns us from attachment to intimacy without possession. Pack lightly and let go.
NIYAMAS (Observances) – 2nd Limb of Yoga
Interior/internal focus. Consciously choosing to explore inner growth and possibility.
Purity (Saucha)
Contentment (Santosha)
Self-Discipline (Tapas)
Self-Study (Svadhyaya)
Surrender (Ishvara Pranidhana)
Interior/internal focus. Consciously choosing to explore inner growth and possibility.
Purity (Saucha)
- Invites us to cleanse our thoughts, speech, and bodies
Contentment (Santosha)
- Invites us to fall in love with our own life
Self-Discipline (Tapas)
- Invites us to consciously choose discipline and growth.
Self-Study (Svadhyaya)
- Invites us to know the Self.
Surrender (Ishvara Pranidhana)
- Invites us to pay attention to what life is asking of us. The belief that there is a divine force at work in our lives