Yoga Anatomy: The Energy BodySubtle and life force energy (prana) exists everywhere. It's in our bodies, the air, sunlight, water, and food. Prana is what keeps the body alive. This life force energy is what distinguishes a live body from a dead one - it keeps the heart beating and the organs functioning.
Within the Yoga Anatomy section, you will find information that guides exploration of the chakras and nadis, our energy centers and energy channels within the body. |
The NadisIn sanskrit the word "nadi" means "river". The meaning of nadi is a nod to the flow of energy within these channels. Though there are three main nadis, we have as many as 72,000 nadi channels flowing through the body that transport prana (energy).
When the energetic system of the nadis flows without restriction or obstacles, we feel energized and well. If the network of nadis are congested, however, we begin to feel weak perhaps mentally and/or physically. The three main nadis flow in and around the chakras (which are noted 1-7 in the diagram). The central channel is the Shushumna Nadi. This is the largest channel in the body. The Shushumna Nadi flows through and between the 7 chakras. The secondary nadis, the Ida and Pingala, spiral around the Shushumna, intersecting at each chakra. |
Ida Nadi
The Ida Nadi is located on the left side, beginning in the left of the Shushumna at the base of the spine and ending with the Ajna Chakra near the left nostril. "Ida" in sanskrit means "comfort". The Ida Nadi carries lunar properties where the mind is more introverted, feminine, and calm. These qualities would be attributed to Yin energy (parasympathetic nervous system) in the Yin and Yang dynamic.
Those with a dominant Ida Nadi have a lunar, nurturing quality (perhaps more Kapha in nature). The energy if the Ida Nadi would be supportive of restful sleep, introspection, intuition, but sluggish digestion and a tendency to feel lazy or be overthinking things (with an introverted and introspective extreme) for example.
Those with a dominant Ida Nadi have a lunar, nurturing quality (perhaps more Kapha in nature). The energy if the Ida Nadi would be supportive of restful sleep, introspection, intuition, but sluggish digestion and a tendency to feel lazy or be overthinking things (with an introverted and introspective extreme) for example.
Pingala Nadi
The Pingala Nadi is located on the right side, beginning in the right of the Shushumna at the base of the spine and ending with he Ajna Chakra near the right nostril. "Pingala" in sanskrit means "tawny". The Pingala Nadi carries solar properties where we are more extroverted, masculine, and fiery. These qualities would be attributed to Yang energy (sympathetic nervous system) in the Yin and Yang dynamic.
When the right nadi is flowing, the solar energy is more active which allows for the individual to digest foods, do physical work, and feel more energetic. Related, if the Pingala Nadi is flowing actively at night, this will create for a restless night of sleep.
When the right nadi is flowing, the solar energy is more active which allows for the individual to digest foods, do physical work, and feel more energetic. Related, if the Pingala Nadi is flowing actively at night, this will create for a restless night of sleep.
Shushumna Nadi
The Shushumna Nadi is our central channel. "Shushumna" in sanskrit means "most gracious". This is the largest nadi in the body and flows through and between the seven chakras in ascent and descent of Kundalini energy. The Shushumna Nadi can only be open and flowing when the Ida and Pingala Nadis are balanced.
The Dance of Balance
In everyday life, one of the nadis is always dominant. In identifying which is dominant, the resulting personality, behavior, and health-related symptoms that can be attributed are more easily understood. All our activities are said to be influenced by the nadis which alternate in dominance throughout the day. Our aim is to have both nostrils/nadis evenly open and flowing throughout the day (the Ida dominant for 12 hours and the Pingala dominant for the other 12 hours) and at the appropriate times
One of the most powerful ways to influence the flow and balance of the nadis is through Nadi Shodhana pranayam or yoga asana.
One of the most powerful ways to influence the flow and balance of the nadis is through Nadi Shodhana pranayam or yoga asana.