Asana: Your Physical PracticeIn exploration of asana (our physical practice experienced through yoga postures/poses), we are able to invite the advantages of proper alignment and depth to engagement into the practice. Within the member portal, you have access to a library of asanas/postures that have been broken down with alignment and engagement aspects highlighted for the learning yogi in us all.
Forward Bends
Functions of Forward Bends:
- Forwards bends are generally calming and cooling postures. The level in which they are calming/cooling varies depending on if the posture is being practiced in more of a yin or a yang style. Learn more by watching the Standing Forward Fold video.
- Forward bends are supportive of introspection (turning/bending inward) and are soothing to the nervous system.
- Forward bends stimulate the internal organs and increase circulation to the pelvic organs
- Forward bends stretch the entire backside of the body including the spine, hips, and hamstrings
Key Points & Considerations:
- Lengthen the spine before and during the fold (resist the urge to collapse)
- Hinge from the hip joints so as to include the key points of the postures (View Seated Forward Fold for more information)
- When you have settled into your 'final' posture, it is then okay to rest through the spine if seeking a more restorative experience
- Be mindful of breath and maintaining space through the chest and front body